anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Justice & Advocacy Two women sitting inside on couches Justice & Advocacy

Addressing Church stereotypes, silence, blaming and lack of recognition

“Jan’s grief around her marriage ‘being broken’ and her beliefs that she had ‘betrayed’ her marriage vows and ‘broken her promises’ to God were profoundly influential in her initial inability to accept the priest’s help offered to her. These beliefs were grounded in what some parts of the Church espoused regarding the role of the Church, the Bible, the ‘sanctity of marriage’ and family,” says The Ven. Dr Lucy Morris, Chair of the ACSQ’s Domestic and Family Violence Working Group

Image of Siegfried Sassoon by George Charles Beresford (1915) (George Charles Beresford, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

“I knew a simple soldier boy”

“Siegfried Sassoon was an English soldier during World War I. Born into a wealthy Jewish family, before the war Siegfried lived the life of a member of the landed gentry…While fighting the war he was decorated for bravery because of his actions on the Western Front. He also became severely depressed as he came to terms with what war was like,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt

Pray Daily

Pray Daily: May 2024

Find out our Diocese’s May daily prayer points and join our community in intercession this month


The miraculous story of baby Angeer

“Because I had been flown from Juba in a Mission Aviation Fellowship plane, I was able to arrange for baby Angeer to be airlifted to a hospital in Juba. She was held lovingly in the aircraft on the way,” says Bishop Daniel Abot from South Sudan

Justice & Advocacy

Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s SRC opposes “dangerously flawed" and "Trump-like" Bill

“It is gravely concerning that the Labor Government is pursuing policy ‘on the run’ by dropping a dangerously flawed Bill on the opposition and crossbench instead of constructively and collaboratively seeking humane solutions. The Bill has been rightly and widely criticised for its ‘God-like’ powers and ‘Trump-like’ line by banning citizens of entire countries from applying for Australian visas, including study, travel and business visas. For Christians the term ‘God-like’ connotes compassion rather than such unprecedented race-to-the-bottom callousness,” says Social Responsibilities Committee chair The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, while inviting you to help